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Virtual Classes

Achieve your fitness goals with Sport and Fitness. Our team is dedicated to bringing you heart pumping workouts that will take you to the next level. These virtual workouts can be done at home or in your favorite workout location. As always, remember to consult your physician prior to starting any new workout routine.


AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

EMOM (every minute on the minute)


5-round workout (Burpees and step-ups)

20-minute AMRAP workout (Pull-ups, push-ups and air squats)

Equipment: Pullup bar

4-round workout (Dumbbell thrusters, burpees and ab circuits)

Equipment: Dumbbells

5-round workout (Kettlebell press, kettlebell swings, goblet squats)

Equipment: Kettlebell

4-round workout (Front squats, push press, reverse lunges, bent-over rows)

Equipment: Dumbbells 

10-minute Burpee EMOM workout

5-round workout (Ground-to-overheads, racked reverse lunges, dumbbell press)

Equipment: Dumbbells, kettlebells

5-round workout (Deadlifts and Sandbag toss overs)

Equipment: Barbell, sandbag

5-round workout (Push-ups, triceps extensions, squat jumps with reverse lunges and sit-ups)

Equipment: Optional dumbbells, resistance bands or chair

8-minute Jump rope EMOM workout

Equipment: Optional jump rope


Strict press tutorial

Equipment: Dumbbells, kettlebell, barbell

Kettlebell swing tutorial

Equipment: Kettlebell

Hand-release push-up, dumbbell press and kettlebell deadlift tutorial


Push-up challenge