An official army family and MWR Site

PEEPS® Diorama Contest

Create your own one-of-a-kind art piece using PEEPS®!


The Library is hosting a fun springtime competition featuring the iconic marshmallow PEEPS®! Get creative and construct a diorama using the popular marshmallow confections as characters. Entries will be accepted and displayed at the Library from March 31 - April 18. Patrons will vote for their favorite diorama from April 21 - April 25.

Please keep your diorama within 18 inches wide by 18 inches deep. This ensures that we can accommodate the maximum number of entries!

To kick off the contest, join the Library team for a drop-in friendly PEEPS® Diorama Workshop on April 1 from 2 - 4 p.m. Participants must bring their own shoebox. PEEPS® and craft supplies will be provided while supplies last!

Contest Rules:

  • All characters must be portrayed by PEEPS®
  • One entry per person
  • Patrons must complete the entry form and provide a title for their diorama


Registration Information

Complete an entry form and turn it in when you drop off your diorama.




Special Thank You to Our Sponsor:



Federal endorsement not implied. 
