Functional Training: Morning Session
Functional training aims to provide you with the strength, endurance, power, speed, flexibility, and range of motion you need to thrive throughout your life.
Mar 11 2019, 6 am - 7 am
Mar 11 2019, 6 am - 7 am
Functional training aims to provide you with the strength, endurance, power, speed, flexibility, and range of motion you need to thrive throughout your life. We utilize basic functional movement patterns such as pushing, pulling, squatting, rotating, carrying, and gait patterns (walking and running) every day. Through Dynamic Training, Metabolic Conditioning, and Extreme Training, our functional training program will utilize exercises that are aimed to improve your movement proficiency in these areas, giving you an edge and enhancing your performance, so you can achieve your desired goals in a safe manner.
The Program
Functional Training will operate in 6-week sessions with a 2-week break between sessions.
2019 Schedule:
- Jan 2 - Feb 8
- Feb 18 - March 29
- April 8 - May 17
- May 27 - July 5
- July 22 - Aug 30
- Sep 16 - Oct 25
- Nov 11 - Dec 20
Class Times:
- Mon - Fri: 6 - 7 a.m.
- Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The program will consist of the following training concepts:
- Dynamic Training - A training method with a focus on gymnastics, body weight, and functional movement exercises.
- Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon) - A method of training that involves a very high work rate, using exercises designed to burn more calories during your workout, and maximize calories burned after your workout, or your after-burn.
- Extreme Training - A training method intended to focus on speed, power, quickness, and agility.
Registration Information
Register at Graves Fitness Center or the Body Shop Fitness Center. Active duty may register 2 weeks prior to the start of each new session. Other military ID card holders and DoD civilians may register 1 week prior to the start of each new session. Units must contact Functional Training Instructors at least 72 hours in advance to drop in for the class.